Rarely does a new high school or college graduate move on to their first job and then stays with that employer, in the same position, until retirement. That is just not realistic. For a variety of reasons, people usually go through two, three, or even four careers over a lifetime, with each new job change a significant leap in the direction from the last. Why does this happen?
1. Industry dies. As technology changes, old technologies and the industries that developed around them often disappear. Be mindful of technology changes and learn new skills, or else you too will be out of work with no clear path moving forward. When an industry dies, it is quite common that many people are forced to change careers.
2. Changes in interests. Teachers get tired of dealing with children, business owners no longer want to work with customers, retail workers get sick of long shifts with low pay, and nurses want to stop seeing patients stricken by diseases. It happens in every field, and that is not going to change. It certainly is possible to change careers based on your interests. You need to learn new skill sets and take the leap. By the way, a new college degree is not often necessary for changing careers. There are various certificate programs and community classes that will give you the skills needed to successfully transition to a new field based on your interests.
3. The need for better pay. Especially seen with people who start a family, it is challenging to generate enough money to raise a family on a low salary. Ultimately, financial stress will often lead to an individual picking up side jobs or leaping into a new career altogether to obtain the funds and benefits their family needs. As indicated earlier, some people go back to school for a degree or a certification in order to get new skill sets to obtain a better job with higher pay.
4. Flexible work options. As more people become aware of the flexible work options available, more are changing their current careers to find more work-life balance or to obtain more meaningful work that they are passionate about, even for less pay.
5. People get laid off. It happens all too often. A professional builds an incredible career after obtaining a college degree only to be then laid off because the grant funding his or her position disappeared. A construction worker gets laid off during housing busts and so forth. In many cases, all is good, and the individual can find a similar job and continue in their chosen field, especially if he or she is willing to relocate to get a job. It is very common in the Deaf Community that many deaf and hard of hearing job seekers move out-of-state to obtain employment. In general, teachers, mental health therapists, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and group home staff who are laid off generally find work in little time. However, some people who have a family with a partner who also has a career, a layoff, or getting fired could force the professional to change career paths. It is not easy for a parent to pack up and leave to get a new job, but it is quite common for deaf and hard of hearing professionals. Additionally, some new and emerging fields provide job openings that attract people to change careers.
6. Career advancement. People often choose a new career to seek job opportunities for career advancement. Some people get bored when they have worked in their respective fields for a long time and have not been able to move up in the ladder or have stepped up as far as they can in their current career and want to seek more challenges in their lives.
Interested in changing careers or jobs? Visit DeafJobWizard.com!