You might be in a situation where you are offered a job that you like, but you do not like the salary. Getting a job offer with a low salary (or wage) could be quite discouraging. If you feel that your workload or job duties do not match the offered salary, then you should try to negotiate with your potential employer. You never know you might end up with. Do not be afraid to do your best to counteroffer. You can respond to the low ball job offer in the following ways:
There is no harm in talking to your employer and negotiating your salary. Talk to Human Resources or the hiring manager about your qualifications, skills, and work experience and how the new employer will benefit from hiring you. Not only that, try to talk about your achievements and successes and tie them to the higher salary that you want. You can also give reference letters from your previous employers if you have them. There is nothing wrong with discussing your professional accolades and awards because when you are in salary negotiation, it is the right time to counteroffer.
When you start the salary negotiation process, doing research is critical. Discuss with your future employer about the industry average or average salary range. It is important to compare “apple-to-apple” which will strengthen your case when you negotiate. For example, if you are offered with a Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing position, you should compare the salary range with other equivalent position within the same location you will work in. Do not compare your salary for the same job position that is located in a different state or different city. You can discuss with your future employer about the pay you want for the job position by using trusted sites and sources. You also should check around to see if your job position is in high demand. Your research can help you to determine your value and help you receive the salary you want.
Counteroffer Wisely
Sometimes, a salary is fixed and there is no room for salary negotiation; you could discuss with your future employer or the hiring manager about additional perks and added benefits that you could get in exchange of higher salary. Ask about getting your relocation costs covered. Ask about getting extra vacation time. Ask about school loan repayment or professional development opportunities. Ask about job bonuses. Ask for whatever is important to you and see if you will get them before you decide about the job offer.
Don’t Settle for Less
Again, there is nothing wrong with standing up for yourself and not accepting much less than what you want. If you believe that you are the best candidate with excellent skills and work experience, then you absolutely should counteroffer to the lowball job offer. Do your best to be assertive and persuasive at the same time. Using firm and use right words can persuade the potential employer. In case the employer doesn’t say YES to you, then you may need to consider other job opportunities. Sometimes, walking away from the job offer is the best way to respond to a lowball offer.
When you’re negotiating your salary or the overall compensation package, focus on the areas that are most important to you before you accept the job offer. Be creative. Good luck!
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